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The role of time‐varying price elasticities in accounting for volatility changes in the crude oil market

Discover an in-depth analysis of Baumeister and Peersman's 2013 study on time-varying price elasticities and crude oil market volatility. Learn about the methodology, key findings, and policy implications of this crucial economic research in the Journal of Applied Econometrics.


This paper presents a detailed analysis of the study by Baumeister, C. and Peersman, G. (2013) titled "The role of time‐varying price elasticities in accounting for volatility changes in the crude oil market." The authors investigate how changes in the price elasticity of oil demand and supply contribute to fluctuations in oil prices. By employing a Structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) model with time-varying parameters, they succeed in capturing the dynamic nature of the oil market. This analysis delves into the methodology, findings, and implications of their study, emphasizing its contribution to understanding the crude oil market's volatility.


Baumeister and Peersman's 2013 paper is a seminal work that focuses on the factors contributing to the volatility of crude oil prices. They argue that the time-varying nature of price elasticities significantly influences oil price fluctuations. This study aims to comprehend the underlying dynamics by analyzing the evolving sensitivity of crude oil demand and supply to price changes.

Literature Review

The authors position their work within a rich body of literature exploring the drivers of oil price volatility. Key predecessors include Hamilton (2009), who emphasized the role of oil supply disruptions and demand shocks, and Kilian (2009), who discussed the significance of global economic activity on oil prices. Baumeister and Peersman (2013) distinguish their research by integrating time-varying elasticities into the analysis, thereby accounting for the changing responsiveness of the market to price signals.


Baumeister and Peersman (2013) employ a Structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) model with time-varying parameters to capture the evolving dynamics of the oil market. The SVAR model allows for the identification of structural shocks affecting the oil market while maintaining flexibility to accommodate changes in price elasticities over time. The key innovations in their methodology include:

  1. Time-Varying Parameters: Incorporating time-varying coefficients to reflect the changing elasticities.
  2. Identification Strategy: Utilizing sign restrictions to identify different types of structural shocks (e.g., supply shocks, demand shocks).

Key Findings

  1. Elasticity Variation: The study finds substantial variations in both demand and supply elasticities over time. These variations are crucial in explaining the periods of high and low price volatility in the oil market.
  2. Demand vs. Supply Shocks: Time-varying price elasticities result in different impacts of demand and supply shocks on oil prices across different periods. For instance, during the 2008 financial crisis, oil demand became more price-sensitive, which significantly influenced oil price dynamics.
  3. Policy Implications: Understanding time-varying elasticities helps in designing better policy measures to stabilize oil markets. For example, strategic petroleum reserves could be managed more effectively if policymakers had insights into the current elasticity conditions.


The findings underscore the importance of considering time-varying elasticities in any analysis of the oil market. By doing so, Baumeister and Peersman (2013) provide a more accurate and nuanced understanding of oil price volatility. Their approach elucidates how structural changes in the global economy and the oil market contribute to fluctuations, thus offering valuable insights into both historical and potential future dynamics.


Baumeister and Peersman's (2013) article makes a significant contribution to the econometric analysis of crude oil markets. By incorporating time-varying price elasticities into their SVAR model, they are able to capture the dynamic nature of oil market fluctuations more accurately. Their research highlights the critical role of evolving market sensitivities and offers pathways for more effective policy interventions.


Baumeister, C., & Peersman, G. (2013). The role of time‐varying price elasticities in accounting for volatility changes in the crude oil market. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28(7), 1087-1109.

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