Industry-leading forecast on energy commodity prices

Get the state-of-the-art forecasts brought to you by top academic economists who specialize in global energy commodity market prices.

About us

Academic vision projected in the commodity market

our mission

The academic point-of-view on energy commodity market

We deliver monthly replications of the state-of-the-art forecasting techniques published by top academic researchers.

Long-term forecasts

We provide a 2-years-ahead price forecast of energy commodities.

Cutting-edge techniques

Our forecasts are based on cutting-edge econometric techniques developed by leading academics.

Forecasts comparison

Compare Commodia to ICE Brent crude oil futures contract and NYMEX WTI crude oil futures contract.


Advisory and replication committee team

Our forecasts are created by professorial academics who have developed state-of-the-art forecasting techniques to predict commodity prices over the last 20 years at leading universities across the U.S., Canada, Europe and the Asia Pacific.